Tuesday, August 30, 2011

September Newsletter


Upcoming Events:
September 2nd PTA forms due
September 9th Picture Day
September 12th Back to School Bash
September 12th Last day to order school shirts
September 15th Vision Screening
September 19th-23rd Turn Off the TV Week
September 26th-30th Walk to School Week
September 19th Flouride Rinse begins
September 30th Maturation Program for 5th Graders

Be sure to remember to send in you BOX TOPS!!  Class competition starts September 1st and ends at the end of October.  The class with the most BOX TOPS handed in wins a PRIZE!

Also make sure you've linked your Smith's card to South Elementary!

If you still want to order school t-shirts or sweatshirts or hoodies, we are accepting those orders up until the Back to School Bash on September 12th. 

A special thanks to Jill Pickett and Dawn Spencer for putting together a wonderful Teacher Appreciation Breakfast in August.

Monday, September 12th
5:30 to 8:00 p.m.
Punch Cards are available:
$3.00  for 10 punches
$5.00 for 20 punches
$10.00 for 40 punches
Contact Nancy Osborne for more information 590-7068